Please don’t let the title scare you away, come close and hear the tale, a tale as old as time. Everyone knows that there is a fine line between genius and insanity and that most of the population from time to time treads the line to a point where it becomes dangerous. What makes a crazy person behave in such a way and how does their behavior affect the people around them. I am sure that most readings of this blog have said things along the lines of “wow that teacher is crazy, how can you assign all this work, we are seniors”, or “Oh don’t mind my uncle, he is just a little crazy”. Sure when said in that text the idea of someone being crazy doesn’t seem like that big of a deal, but when you get to the realness of the problem, when you are able to look a clinically insane person in the eyes and see……nothing, that is what this blog is going to look for. The kind of insanity that causes someone to commit murder, or to set a house on fire or not even think that the world they are in is even real. In this realm of the blogging world the topic of discussion in insanity, with this word in my mind I will read two novels and one play and see how insanity plays a role in the works of literature. While I closely read Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad Lord of the Flies by William Golding and Hamlet by William Shakespeare I will take into account how insanity affects the characters and the story as a whole.
Once that initial task is complete I will take a stab at being a creative person and try to incorporate insanity as a theme in a creative work. Whether I write a story, take a picture of paint s masterpiece I will try to delve into the psyche of the insane and hopefully come out in one piece.
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